Sabtu, 30 Agustus 2014

Bacriminta Artificial waxaa sida caadiga ah

Bacriminta Artificial waxaa sida caadiga ah morbidly siiyo. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, si aad u hesho natiijo lagu qanci karo waa in la siiyaa bacrimiyo on dalagga. Judi Online Lørenskog Bacriminta aan dabiici ahayn oo ah qaab urea, tsp iyo KCl at cabirku yahay 1, 2, 2 sida ugu badan ee 15 g of kasta warshad (3 g urea; 6gr TS; 6 garaam oo KCL). Lørenskog bacrimiyo waa in la siiyaa 1 month dhirta jir ah oo ay weheliyaan falashada. Ka dib markii 1.5-2 bilood jir, dhirta dumar bilaabi ubaxa.
b. Dayactirka
Xiirtaa oo dhirta uma baahna daaweyn inuu noqdo adag, kaliya iyadoo la fogeynayo cawska / haramaha hareeraha dhirta iyo midhaha ka hortagtaa ka cayayaanka. Ka Hortagga waa adigoo isticmaalaya warqad midho dhalinta yar ama caleemaha muuska la qalajiyey duubaya. Waxaa lagu talo galay u / hortago fly midho (sp Dacus Cucurbitaceae). Dukhsiga Fruit in weeraray qalad jaalaha mjd bernoda2.
Udug Fruit looma baahna u / xiirtaa oo kalluun. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, halkii ay ka midho in dhegaysanayay dhalinyarada (Encumbered) qoryaha yar yar ama diirka qumbaha. Load wuxuu ku dheggan yahay midhaha si ujung2 midho toos ah. Xiirtaa oo dalag ah oo sanadle ah oo faafinaya. Geedka kobciya by hab ee haysta gyre-qaabeeyey. Batangya yar oo dheer, laakiin xoog badan mentimun.Daunnya bercagap raadinaya. Caleemo udugga leh waa gaar ah oo aan fiicneyn. Karsado, ka dib markii tuaberwar
Agen Bolana abuur jaalle ah oo cas. Xiirtaa oo badan oo ku jira Fitamiin A, B, iyo C. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, qof walba ma aha jeclaan of midho qaraha qadhaadh, maxaa yeelay dhadhan qadhaadh.

Kamis, 14 Agustus 2014

betel yellow, and black betel.

situation in Indonesia is tropical position does not really give a few shades of beautiful plants and colorful, but by using some of your artistic creations and green shades will be more visible, to some type that is easy to get a good market as well as other agricultural crops.

Some type of plant
Obviously, the plant used to be vines. There are two types of plants. First, vines that can propagate itself. This type of plant can cover the walls of the meeting and perfect. However, this plant has a weakness. This type of vines on the wall and was able to elongate roots will be embedded in the wall as a binder. If less supervised and weeded, this plant can destroy the wall. For the first of this kind, such as Betel Netherlands, Ficus repens, Philodendron Selloum etc.. The following description of some plants.

Dutch betel vines on the wall
Betel leaf Netherlands
Betel leaves are very popular in our society. Often times, these vines found on the home page. Betel (Piper betle L or Chavica aurculata Miq) is easily grown. Simply by using cuttings and given enough water, these plants can grow well in the heat or in a protected place, betel dutch (large leaves, green poultice taste and pungent smell and spicy), betel cloves (small, yellow leaves, taste like cloves ),
Betel is very rich in nutritious substances. Among other things, essential oils, hidroksikavicol, kavicol, kavibetol, allylpyrokatekol, cyneole, caryophyllene, cadinene, estragol, terpennena, sesquiterpene, phenyl propane, tannins, diastase, sugars, and starches.

Ficus repens vines on the wall
Ficus repens
The leaves are heart-shaped, forming an Betklik99 Agen Bola Terpercaya Piala Dunia 2014 interesting pattern. Covering large areas quickly. The best way to add character to a garden wall. Very commonly spread in tropical countries because it can cover a wall very quickly. Outdoor plants can grow up to 15 "or more leaves are simple and small venation very pronounced on the underside of leaves Two different types of leaves: juvenile foliage ... very small and tends to hug the wall, or trellis which grows on old leaves.

Selloum philodendron vines on the wall
Philodendron Selloum
Dendron finger or plant species of Araceae tribe that has many flower species and is still family with philo. The name Philodendron Selloum or finger Dendron derived from the Greek, namely from Philo says "Love" and Dendron "Tree" Because the beauty of the shape which resembles fingers and colorful leaf Philodendron Selloum much favored as an ornamental indoor plants or planted as an ornamental garden home page because its leaf gives us the impression of cold and cool these plants better if not exposed to direct sunlight for at the direct rays hit the color and leaf growth will turn into a slightly yellowish or will slow down its growth.

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Rabu, 06 Agustus 2014

How many strands you need. With a mustard

How many strands you need. With a mustard plant in your yard, you can have many advantages and how to plant mustard greens technique that is also very easy for you. For areas that have too low pH (acidic), must first liming, with the aim to raise the acidity of the soil. Liming can be done well in advance of planting seeds, approx 2-4 weeks before planting. So the best time to scarify the soil between 2-4 weeks before planting land. As for the type of lime used is limestone calcite (CaCO3) or dolomite (CaMg (CO3) 2).
3 Seedbed / BREEDING Nursery mustard greens can be done through several stages:

Agen Judi Onlinea. Seed Houses By using bamboo as well as polyethylene plastic roof, we can make the seeds with a width of 1.5 meters, 1.3 meters high front and rear height of 1 meter, while for the length can be adjusted to the needs. For nursery beds were made in an area of ​​80-120 cmCara Planting mustard - Caisim. Who does not know caisim? Caisim is one of the many types of mustard are cultivated because of the demand for this type of mustard very much. Especially since in introduced him chicken noodle. Caisim become one of the favorite vegetables are added to this mi based diet. Either chicken noodle or instant noodles will be less delicacy if not added with caisim or mustard greens in. Unfortunately, although very easy to find in the market, but sometimes fresh mustard difficult to get. It's known as leaf vegetables like caisim this way very quickly wilted mustard cropping, especially in hot weather. But to raise its own, it feels lazy. whereas, among all vegetable crops, plant cultivation caisim is the easiest way. Here is how caisim cultivation techniques that have admin dtebu practice alone in the yard. want to know how? Silah continue reading. Planting Method mustard - Caisim
As usual, a way to cultivate mustard also consists of several important stages, such as land preparation, establishment of a nursery, planting, etc.. The following are the stages of mustard cultivation.
1 Breeding
Mustard plant is a plant species that reproduce by seed. Mustard seed is very small, almost similar to spinach seed. To get a good harvest, the seeds can not be planted directly in the field but must first sow. Therefore, if the first stage of the cultivation of other crops is land preparation, then this mustard cultivation, the first step is to make the nursery.
Establishment of a nursery or nursery there are 2 kinds of mustard, which is done in the nursery in pots or in ground beds for breeding. All depends on the area of ​​land to be planted. For seedling media, use of land that has been mixed with manure in
Taruhan Bola Online the ratio of 1: 1. Sow seeds that will have to be soaked in water for about 2 hours before sowing. The seeds were floating in the exhaust. While the sink is to be in the sow. After completion of the soak, sprinkle the seeds evenly caisim seedling media, flush to wet, then cover with banana leaves or burlap sacks for 3 days. on the third day, remove the banana leaves or burlap sacks, and let the seeds grow well. After 2-3 weeks old seeds, the seeds are ready to be transferred.
2 Preparation of land
Land to be planted must be in the clear caisim of weeds and wild grass, and should be in gemburkan first. Pengemburan land can be done with a hoe or plow. After that create a raised bed with a width of 1 meter and a height of 25-30 cm. Create a trench between beds with a width of 40 cm. After the seedbed so, Sprinkle manure on soil beds with a dose of 100 kg / ha and mix until evenly distributed. Then let approximately 5 days before the land ready for planting.
3 Planting seeds
Once the seedlings are ready for planting caisim, make a hole in the land planting beds with a spacing of 15 x 20 cm. Then take the seeds that have been prepared, entries 1-2 seedling into the hole and replace the cover. After planting is complete, flush
Agen Judi Bola to wet land plots. To prevent the seeds that have been planted are not wilted by the heat of the sun, planting should be done in the afternoon.

Senin, 04 Agustus 2014

plantar árboles de cítricos, cítricos venta. por árbo

plantar árboles de cítricos, cítricos venta. por árbol semillero CÍTRICOS CULTIVOS 0818279339 - YouTube ► 5: 05:15 15► 29 de enero 2012 - Subido por 0818279339HERU 0818279339 ... CÍTRICOS DEL CULTIVO CULTIVO Cultivo Fertilizantes Nasa Tomat.flvby produkalami6 ... Más vídeos de cómo plantar cítricos »Acuicultura ORANGE - RESTSINDO de uso general para el cultivo de naranjas obtenidas por generativa y vegetativa. 3) La siembra de semillas Técnica a) forma generativa. Semillas de la ... Anakciremai: CÓMO PLANTAR ÁRBOLES lima, limón ...ón de árboles-naranja-lima-nipis_0...1 octubre 2009 - Cómo plantar un árbol de limón lima kaffir, sankis naranja, Agen Bola Tangkas Online Terpercaya dan Terbaik 2014anja de limusina, y así sucesivamente, los que no conocen esta técnica podría ser confuso, ... I. INTRODUCCIÓN La perspectiva de la naranja en comida indonesia es muy bueno debido a la posibilidad de que la producción de la superficie. A modo de producción de programas para mejorar la calidad de los cítricos y el apoyo de los resultados de la innovación tecnológica y la fertilización de la hormona natural, manejo integrado de plagas y enfermedades, así como otros sistemas agrícolas basados ​​en el espíritu de la ecología, la cantidad y calidad de la producción de cítricos, mientras que el mantenimiento de un medio ambiente sostenible. II. Las condiciones de crecimiento tomaron seis a nueve meses de la mojada (temporada de lluvias), las precipitaciones 1000-2000 mm / año de manera uniforme durante todo el año, suficiente agua, especialmente en el mes de julio-agosto. La temperatura óptima entre 25-30 ° C y humedad alrededor de 70-80% es óptimo. Las velocidades del viento de más de 40-48% destruirán las flores y las frutas. La altura óptima de entre 1 y 1200 m sobre el nivel del mar. Las naranjas no les gusta un lugSUNDULBET, AGEN BOLA SBOBET IBCBET CASINO 338A TANGKAS TOGEL ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA ar protegido de la luz solar. Latosol suelo y Andosol perfecto, la acidez del suelo (pH del suelo) es de 5,5 a 6,5. El agua del suelo óptima a una profundidad de 150 a 200 cm debajo de la superficie. En la estación seca, de 150 cm y 50 cm en la temporada de lluvias. Plantas cítricas como la sal del agua, a alrededor de 10%. III. DIRECTRICES TÉCNICAS PARA EL CULTIVO 3.1. Siembra 3.1.1. ¿Cómo generativa semillas extraídas de frutos apretando la fruta se corta. Los frijoles secos en un lugar no expuesto durante 2-3 días hasta que el moco se ha ido. Vivero prepara 30-40 cm de profundidad del suelo y la parcela 1,15-1,20 m longitudinalmente de norte a sur. Planta en una 0,5-1m distancia. Antes de plantar, añadir 1 kg / estiércol m2. Las semillas sembradas en el suelo a una distancia de 1 a 1,5 x 2 cm y soluciones inmediatamente sumergidas NASA POC + 1,2 cc / litro de agua. Vivero pone techo. Semillas Dipindahtanam en un sobre de 15 x 35 cm 20 cm a partir de los 3-5 meses. El medio de cultivo en una bolsa de plástico es una mezcla de estiércol y paja (2: 1) o el estiércol, paja, arena (1: 1: 1) o simplemente utilizar un terreno común rocía NASA POC (3-4 cap) + HORMONIK (1 tapón) 10-15 por litro de agua. 3.1.2. Como un método de injerto de yemas de brotes vegetativos y varita de fijación ojo. Para que uno tiene que estar preparado para los portainjertos (en trunk / portainjerto) fueron seleccionados de las naranjas con un fuerte arraigo y capacidad de adaptación, grande de alta del medio ambiente, resistente a la sequía, resistentes / tolerantes a las enfermedades virales, pudrición de la raíz y nematodos. Varios portainjerto utilizado es el limón japonés, limón rugoso, Cleopatra, Troyer Citrange Citrange y Carizzo. Después de la sesión de compromiso disparar o apuñalar a ojos de pasta, rociado de inmediato con la NASA POC (3-4 cap / tanque) + HORMONIK (1 tapa / tanque). Suelo plantas de procesamiento de medios deben ser plantados con otros cultivos o restos de planta. La distancia varía dependiendo del tipo de cítricos para mostrar la siguiente información: (a) la distancia y Siem mandarina de 5 x 5 m, (b) dulce: 7 x 7 m de espaciamiento, (c), ácido cítrico (limón): 6 x 7 metros , (d) de la cal: 4 x 4 m de distancia, (e) de pomelo: 8 x 8 m, (f): la distancia (10-12) x (10-12Betklik99 Agen Bola Terpercaya Piala Dunia 2014) m agujero se ha realizado 2 semanas antes de la siembra. Estado en una parte separada de la capa superior del suelo. Debajo de la capa

Jumat, 01 Agustus 2014

refusée en raison de la nature innée. Dare assurer dah Kacer oiseau de belles choses sur la concurrence sur le terrain n'est pas lourde, mais un rapide weve

La plupart Kacer lourd et il ne peut pas être refusée en raison de la nature innée. Dare assurer dah Kacer oiseau de belles choses sur la concurrence sur le terrain n'est pas lourde, mais un rapide weve essayé quotidien IHAT il devrait avoir la possibilité de lourdeur, cuman le plus important est la prise en charge et de verrouillage dans le domaine d'être très serré.
* Innate aspect: il ya des oiseaux en termes de innée weve déjà souvent lourdes, si cet oiseau a aucun espoir pour une course ou d'un poli à nouveau, car il ne sera pas récolter de bons résultats. Suggestion vendre au marché.
* Aspects de soins: Est-il juste de maintenir, comme le bain, le séchage, plus fooding supplémentaire. La plupart Kacer lourde en raison de mauvais traitement. Kacer oiseau comme la charge chaude comme Kroto était petite, si aucun intervalle de 2 jours. Il vise à réduire les désirs charnels excessifs en raison de la nature de l'Kacer des oiseaux est un combattant. Il est prévu que la mise à disposition de Kroto Tuyau 2 jours pour obtenir l'oiseau à rester en forme dans le domaine de l'alias n'a pas été dégonflée dans le milieu de la route. Conseils, grillons oiseaux Kacer mieux nourris a écrit environ 10 à 20 par jour parce que dans le corps des grillons sont froids et sont plus susceptibles d'effacer son, plus de puissance.
Pembutian supplémentaire Kroto la plupart des oiseaux ou des grillons différence. Les oiseaux mangent beaucoup plus soif Kroto et le plus lourd. Si les oiseaux mangent les criquets et les oiseaux forte puissance diplangkringan travail aka diem et calme mais pas dégonflé.
Problème, car le bain une fois par jour alors que la plupart du bain d'oiseaux invitera luxure et encombrant et souvent les oiseaux "didis" (en prenant soin de ses plumes) quand nous sommes séchage.
Séchage oiseau Kacer Longtemps séché est correct, car il vise à établir et former le souffle du corps afin de ne pas sensibles à la maladie. Pour le séchage maximale d'environ 3 heures. En raison de l'oiseau de sorte qu'il n'a pas à rester depuis longtemps séché à nouveau plus tard si le champ serait rapidement à court d'énergie, alors l'oiseau beaucoup kerodong qu'à ajustement plus tard à sortir de terre.
Comment faire face à Kacer mbagong

BOLA PELANGI AGEN BOLA SBOBET IBCBET CASINO 338A TANGKAS TOGEL ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA Comment faire face à Kacer mbagong / mbedhesi / mer cheval avec des principes tels que mes amis disent "goût soustraction de la luxure», à savoir par:
1 Réduire / éliminer la disposition temporaire d'extra-fooding, donner aka aliments de tous les jours avec voor seul.
2 Développez les heures de pendaison diterik soleil et ne pas attendre lemes (entar mort ... désolé khan ..)
3 Réduire le bain, si nécessaire, une fois par semaine tout de baseball.
Ajouter 4 gouttes de vitamines dans l'eau potable (selon les règles dikemasan)
5 Ayant récemment perdu notre ef encombrant son amour un peu, pas trop peut Cépet récidive.
Kacer avait pas mbagong facile de récupérer certains sont difficiles à guérir, essayez extérieur compagnon Kacer déjà road again jusqu'à la fin sans mbagong.
En conclusion, si nous mbagong Kacer essentiellement restauré par l'amélioration mentale. Aliéner d'autres oiseaux qu'il avait peur et fait aussi confortable que possible Kacer pour l'entretien quotidien en rendra à récupérer plus rapidement. Une autre chose que nous avons mba Toko online murah terbaik di Indonesia